Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Shows,news,notes and other nonsense...

This Month I've received my 12 kg (just over 26 lbs) kettlebell and my Hatha Yoga book. Maybe I will find the physical exertion and body building regimen that will give me a more productive day. I am hoping the yoga works out a few kinks and gets me somewhere better physical and mentally.

I had a blast on Halloween, Yes I saw the show on History Channel. Email direct if you have questions - joehardcore@gmail.com. I am sure people saw it and have their opinions and I know I have mine. With that behind me I had a great time out til 530 am with the fellas. The following day H20 and Bane at the Church... man that was a blast. So necessary and perfect. Hanging out with Samantha is always a blessing. The first public viewing of the TIH dvd went over as I expected and I am back at the drawing board on that one.

I've been up to my neck in new shows, new venues and its about time. The Church is the best place on earth for a show but lately with the amount of poorly put together 4 to 5 band packages the best we can offer is 200 kids or so, which is still better then most areas but just not quite the packed event like H20-Bane. So luckily for us Sean and R5 has cleared the way for the first few all ages hardcore shows at the Barbary to take place. Smaller room, less overhead gives us more opportunity for more shows, more diversity and we can take some real risks now. I am excited.

How great is PA Hardcore right now? ....
the answer being Sooo great that Shockwave is playing Forward Hall in Erie,PA Sat Dec 27th and Wisdom In Chains is on it as well! To top it off Out To Win/Mushmouth are playing Croc Rock Jan 10th in Allentown and it will be a blast. Man the Wisdom dudes got alot of steam under them now with Philly and NYC dates with the CroMags as well as the big Shockwave show. I can't wait for their new record and I am sure the rest of you will agree it is already in the running for possible record of 09.

Expect me to branch out and do the CroMags (featuring John Joseph, Mackie, AJ -Leeway and Craig Sick Of It All) at the Broad Street Ministry. Its a great venue we broke the cherry on 6 months ago with the Hoods and Wisdom In Chains. Hopefully the shows there will get some more exposure as the place is awesome.

I will be routinely adding more info as to the shows I've got going on here so that way I can dissect and comment on them and I will start going more into detail about the goings on of 2009. Lets just say that the next 10 shows for me are going to be something special and I plan to get some momentum going to carry us into This Is Hardcore 2009 which is already lining up to be our best year yet. Everyone says it, but I've been at work on it for almost 3 months (since the Monday after the last) so I am hoping the extra months in will add to it.

This Sunday we will witness the 4 horsemen showdown at the Church.
Blacklisted has really been a band for almost 5 years now and you can see the ugliness dripping out of them. The years spent on the road and grueling with the paparazzi obsessed gossip bleeding hardcore scene has turned them into machines. This set will be a testament to all of that I just said and then some.
Ceremony is really one of the bands that everyone put on such a high pedestal that I worry they will drop. They are so vastly different then most bands out and popular these days, its necessary for them to stay at the forefront of the pack so that way we stave ourselves from being homogenized into following only one beat of the drum. I love them and can't wait to see what happens when they take the stage.
Have Heart have become the most important straight edge band today. Its a great thing to see their rise and I really hope that they continue to excel where others have fallen short. I will be hard pressed to not dive a few times during their set.
Let Down when all these bands are on tour with 20 guitar pedals on stage its awesome to see a scraggly 4 piece get up and just rock the fuck out. They pull no punches and provide no bells and whistles but rest assured they are one of the most dangerous bands in hardcore today.
the New Lows I am not informed on them as I've yet to see them live and can only go off of what others say and hope that they are everything and more.
Cut It Out Their name may not appear on the flyer but they undoubtedly will make a great entrance to this show and their first show at the Church. This band has done quite a bit and despite some outward complaining a year back about never being offered a set at the Church, I think the time is right for these guys to get out of the backwoods and show this scene what they are made of.

No matter who you're there for on Sunday its going to be nothing short of chaos, madness and that's just what we need at this point. Just make sure you don't miss out as this show will be talked about for years to come.

Until then, Peace...

Friday Dec 26
730 pm
$13 in advance/ $15 day of

Death Threat
Wisdom in Chains
the mongoloids
Bad Seed

at the Broad Street Ministry

315 S Broad St (broad and spruce)
Philadelphia, PA

email joehardcore@gmail.com for more info
www.r5productions.com for online tickets or deep sleep for tickets in person

jan 4th At the Barbary

Reign Supreme
Trapped Under Ice
Full Blown Chaos
Dirty Money
Layin Waste
www. r5productions. com joehardcore@gmail.com

Jan 11th at the Church

Maximum Penalty

www. r5productions. com joehardcore@gmail.com

Feb 1st at the Barbary

Cold World
Internal Affairs
Brain Dead
Alpha Omega
Cruel Hand

March 1st at the Barbary
Trap Them


HardResponse said...

Good stuff bro, can't wait for the Cro-Mags...


Unknown said...

how u been hit me up healey

Unknown said...

it is healey how u doing hit me up bhealey22@yahoo.com